Malai Chicken Kofte

Malai Chicken Kofte are the healthy alternative to Lamb Kofte. When I lived in Cyprus, I found chicken mince a lot easier to source than in the UK, but since returning I have found it is available in a lot of the major supermarkets now. You can of course, buy chicken fillets and then mince…

Achari Chicken

Achari Chicken is one of my favourite chicken recipes, the flavours from it are just outstanding. Two teaspoons of the Achari Masala is all it takes to turn the ingredients in the pan into a bittersweet broth (find the recipe for the masala in the top of the Spice Box in the menu). I use…

Masala Chicken

A warming, spicy chicken dish – a beautiful go-to when you want something comforting. The recent change in the weather has left me feeling a little out of sorts and although I usually take it easy on days like that – I still want good food and nourishment.  This Masala Chicken really hits the spot. …

Saag wala Chicken

So is it Saag Chicken? Chicken Saag?  Saag Murgh or Saag Murghi or is it Murghi wala Saag or Saag wali Murghi.  Speak now! So many questions – and so many names for one dish!  So I am going to make it easy for you and call it ‘Saag wala Chicken’. My daughter in law…

30 minute Masala Wings

What can I tell you about this recipe apart from it’s quick, easy and so, so delicious, you’ll never make wings any other way. The beauty of this particular dish is you need one set of ingredients for both the wings and the dip and the even better news is that there is…. NO MARINATION…

Ekta’s Tariwala Chicken

Chicken on the bone with a runny gravy My youngest daughter walked into the kitchen one morning and announced ‘I am going to cook one of mums recipes for dinner on Friday’. We actually assumed she was joking but she seemed very excited about it so I told her to choose whatever she wanted to…

Chicken and Rice!

This dish is exactly what it says it is. It’s my younger son’s all time favourite meal. He was my original baby until my youngest daughter joined us when he turned 11 years old. As a child all he would eat was eggs or chicken. Literally, when I asked him what he would like to…

Bees’ Tandoori Style Chicken

Tandoori Style Boneless Chicken Thighs and Drumsticks This dish is a huge success with family and friends. Roasted in the oven it cooks fairly quickly, even the marination period isn’t hours and hours – you can marinate it first thing in the morning and serve it for lunch alongside the really quick Special Punjabee Aloo…

Halki Murghi

Light and Fresh Spiced Chicken I love this Chicken dish. It’s so easy to create and the best thing is it requires just three spices – turmeric, kashmiri chilli and garam masala. My mum made it a lot when we were younger – it was another quick and easy one for her to make on…

Chicken Tikka Masala

With Tims Dairy Yogurt Britain’s favourite Indian dish? A Chicken Tikka Masala the last time I checked……and this is my version of that dish. Healthier alternatives are always popular in my home – and this recipe has no nuts or cream so a win-win if you’re watching those calories and prefer it without nuts. Now…