ਮੇਰੇ ਪੇਜ ਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਵਾਗਤ ਹੈ
Hello, my name is Bee and I am The Authentic PunjaBee

So, why have I created this website? When I moved to Wiltshire, I was asked if I would consider teaching mature students to cook Authentic Punjabi food without resorting to a ‘Sauce in a Jar’ at my local college. People wanted to learn how Indian people ate at home and not what they ate out in restaurants.
I also set up a free private Authentic PunjaBee Cooking Group on Facebook, started during the first UK covid lockdown in 2020 which immediately grew to a following of over 700 members. I taught them to cook Punjabi dishes the way I had been taught, from ‘scratch’. A lot of my recipes show photographs and videos of a meal I may have just cooked for the family – I would run around with my phone taking the pictures just before serving them their dinner! Between then and now we have a reached a still growing following of over 65,000 followers, spread over various social media platforms.
I tried to get the information across the best way possible, and many of my amazing, extremely supportive group members had no trouble understanding the instructions in the recipes, and have felt confident recreating each beautiful dish. (You can read their thoughts in the ‘Testimonials‘ section).
Just as I taught them, I will teach you how to make the perfectly fluffy, round Roti (chapatti) and how to ensure every dish is cooked to perfection. We will utilise each ingredient to its maximum potential using the true beauty of the wonderful array of flavourful spices that are there to be discovered – without the fear of over spicing or ‘ruining’ a dish. You will be absolutely amazed at what you can create.
Before you make a ‘Bee’ line for the recipes, – please go through all the sections on the menu, they are all important when cooking Punjabi food at home, and you will get an understanding of what the spices will bring to your dish and which ingredients work better together – not to say we won’t experiment around those guidelines! You will notice a lot of my recipes have a common denominator – they are not swimming in ghee or oil – yet the taste will be better than any restaurant dish you have ever had. Try them out for yourself!
Most of the recipes are my own dishes I have created when playing around in the kitchen. My family find it strange that my idea of relaxation is in a hot steamy kitchen, surrounded by spices with two or three pots bubbling away on the hob. I love to create and I go through phases – one week I am into playing with ingredients and spices and another week I may just it simple, like my Mum used to, and the kids will comment that they are reminded of the meals they ate when they were younger. I play with recipes that have been handed down to me and make them my own by tweaking them, replacing an ingredient here and there or using a different cooking method.
That’s what I want you to do. I want you to feel confident enough to start creating your own wonderful dishes – with my guidance and your curiosity to try different things.
I invite you to join me on this beautiful culinary journey of discovering the perfect way to cook a Punjabi dish the PunjaBee way……x.